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Monday, September 27, 2010

Map Final Assessment

In the normal world, vampires drink human to survive, but at Jessica’s Kingdom, there is no human to drink blood from. Instead, they drink blood from animals, and their favorite is dragon’s blood. That’s where the problem started.
The country of the vampires called NAHN NAV; it was divided into five parts, north, south, east, west and central.  The vampires don’t live in cities; they live in forests and some mountains, but not as high as the dragons. They have a system of confusing tunnels, if you don’t be careful; you might get lost and will never find your way out. They use those tunnels to send messages faster and safer. But only the vampires know the way out in those tunnels. The dragons are not normal, they’re as smart as the vampires, and they can read minds. The vampires thought that dragons are stupid like animals, but it’s not true, they’re just as smart.
Vampire is a powerful specie.  They’re super fast and strong, their eyes can see in the dark because sometimes they go hunting at night. Vampires are shining under the sun, so their prey can see them easier and run away that’s why they don’t usually go hunting at day. Dragons are also powerful; they live on the highest mountains, that way, the vampires can’t climb up and hunt them at night while they’re sleeping. They can fly hundreds of miles in an hour without getting tired with their gigantic wings. But that was hundreds of years ago; now things began to change, started at year 2510.
At Jessica’s Kingdom, it rain for the whole year, not like rain for half year only. But in 2510, there was no rain at all for the whole year, well little rain, not enough the kingdom’s animal to survive. Lots of animals died in that year, it lead to vampires died a lot because vampires need animal’s blood to survive but there wasn’t any animal so they died. The dragons are exceptions, they can survive months without any food but they need water. Some of the dragons died, not as much as the other species. Year 2512, the dragons took that advantage by invaded the east part of NAHN NAV. There were some vampires live in the far east of the kingdom, alone by themselves in those ranges of mountains. Until the dragons invaded and killed all the vampires, the survived ones ran down toward the west, across the river.
By 2515, the vampires recovered their lost people and they started to build the army to take back their land. In 2516, the war started. The vampires were too strong for the dragons. The dragons got pushed out of the country little by little every day for four years. And the last dragons were kicked out of the country in 2520. A few years later, the vampires created an operation called “kill dragons”, and for 25 years, the vampires killed all the dragons they saw. By 2550, there were only two dragons left, one female and one male. Together, they flied away from Jessica’s Kingdom, and because they were away, so I don’t know what happened to them. The vampires celebrated their victory for one month. And they continued to live in peace.
For many decades, Jessica’s Kingdom was at peace once. But, one faithful day, those dragons came back with their army of dragons. And they started the war with the vampires. Now the vampires no longer want to fight because they felt regret for what they’ve done in the past. They wanted to live in peace with the dragons but the dragons didn’t want it. So another war started. They kept fighting with each other until 3000AD. They both very tired, so they stopped fighting and started to live in peace until now.

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